Montessori 3D Learning Bitz Busy Board
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Did you know children copy everything you do?
If you pick up a book, your child will do the same. Simple as that. But since your little one can't read yet, we've come up with a great solution. With the Montessori Story Book, they can act all grown up while actually growing up.
✅Helps fine motor skills, improves memory, and strengthens brainpower
What does this toy do for my child?
There are 16 stories/activities in this book that explain the world your little one is living in. That's a lot of content that will keep your child engaged for months. All the stories are filled with various attachable pieces, toys, and gadgets that will develop your toddler's finger muscles as well as their imagination.
Quiet, soft, and easily cleaned.
You won't have to worry about batteries running out, annoying siren noises, or sharp plastic edges that might endanger your little one. It's made out of felt, soft on the skin, and durable. It will last for years and can be easily washed or vacuumed.
How to keep a child both entertained and quiet?
Maybe you're on a plane or at a doctor's appointment, and it would be really convenient if your kid wouldn't cry about how bored they are. We talked about how phones are a terrible solution, so that option is off-limits.
You need something equally entertaining but non-harming. Enter the Montessori Story Book!
The #1 reason why you should get this toy.
Whether you buy this for your child or as a gift for someone else's, that kid will become the protagonist in 16 different stories. They will get a feel for every object in it, link it to a different life situation, and understand why and how people do what they do.
Today's toddlers can use a phone before they can talk.
We know it's easy just to put a phone in your kid's hands to calm them down, but it's the worst option. They get addicted to screens quickly, and it's almost impossible to get them off later. Screen time should be minimal and other activities, such as playing with actual toys, a priority.
Don’t look at this as a simple toy purchase. Look at this as an investment in your child's future. Get Yours Now!

Recommend Age: 2+
High-quality materials
Vibrant colors
Perfect size for little hands
Wie viel kostet der Versand?
Richtig, KOSTENLOSER weltweiter Versand. Das bedeutet, dass Sie von überall auf der Welt einkaufen können und bei der Lieferung Ihrer Bestellung keine zusätzlichen Gebühren oder Steuern zahlen müssen!
Wie lange dauert der Versand?
Alle Die Bearbeitung von Bestellungen dauert 1–2 Tage und die Lieferung an Ihren Wohnort 7–12 Werktage.
Wenn Sie Fragen zu Ihrer Bestellung haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns!
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* Die Lieferzeit schließt Bearbeitungszeiten und Abfertigungs-/Zollverzögerungen (falls zutreffend) aus, maximale Lieferzeit 20 Tage.